Drunken Kung Fu (Drunken Boxing)
Eight Drunken Immortals
First Form - Lu Don Bin eBook

The God of the Drunken Fist



First form of Eight Drunken Immortals
Illustrated techniques, drills and applications
eBook written in English
Packed with colored diagrams
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Why you should learn Drunken Kung Fu (Drunken Boxing) - Eight Drunken Immortals

Drunken Kung Fu or Drunken Boxing refers to the group of kung fu styles where you behave erratically like a drunk to deceive, distract and attack the opponent. Other kung fu styles such as Choy Li Fut, Praying Mantis and Monkey Kung Fu have some form of drunken boxing form in them, but Jackie Chan has popularized the classic drunken boxing style, the Eight Drunk Immortals Form above all others in his movies.

Although it appears erratic and uncertain, the always shuffling footwork in the Eight Drunk Immortals Form is extremely well thought out - Because your center of gravity is constantly shifting, you could deflect or evade any hit that could not be blocked easily. A moving target is harder to hit than a static one. Further, the more the opponent is preoccupied trying to figure you out, the less time he has in his mind to think about a plan of attack.

In addition to evading, you can use the dynamic footwork to mask your dominant foot for combination kicking. By being constantly in motion, you can easily launch strikes without broadcasting your intent to your opponent, since your entire body is moving already. In Drunken Boxing you use the power technique known as Zian Shi Gin to cause damage. This is a type of piraling/drilling energy that comes from turning your body into any hit.

The eight forms of the Eight Drunken Immortals are:

    1. Lu Don Bin

    2. Li Tit Kwai

    3. Han Zhong Li

    4. Lan Cai He

    5. Zhang Guo Lao

    6. Cao Guo Jiu

    7. Han Xiang Zi

    8. He Xian Gu

What you'd find in our eBook

The Lu Don Bin Form is named after the Taoist God Lu Don Bin (see below), and is the first form of Eight Drunken Immortals.

In the Lu Don Bin Form, you are introduced to the basics of Eight Drunken Immortals style Drunken Kung Fu, such as swaying back and forth continuously to trick the enemy to think that you lack focus, and cause your enemy to let his or her guard down. You are also introduced to the unique and versatile Hulao Guard or Claw technique.

Our eBook covers the concepts of Eight Drunken Immortals style Drunken Kung Fu before moving to cover the movements of the Lu Don Bin Form and its underlying concepts and applications.

    • Find out how the deceptive qualities of Drunken Kung Fu can give you an edge, together with an illustrated guide as to how power is generated by a drunken fighter

    • Discover how the footwork of the Eight Drunken Immortals style Drunken Kung Fu works, together with explanations of the various stages of drunken stupor and what not to do in fighting

    • Learn about the combat theory of the Eight Drunken Immortals style Drunken Kung Fu with an illustrated guide on the use of force and dimensional defense, as well as an explanation of the "Deception and Rush" principle

    • Develop fundamental Eight Drunken Immortals techniques:

    1. The 5 components of the slapping technique

    2. Hitting with different areas of the fist

    3. Use of the hand knife

    4. The 3 ways of falling

    5. 4 ways of kicking, with an illustrated analysis of sub-variations for each kick

    • Master the critical ideas behind Lu Don Bin and how they are applied:

    1. Use the drunken footwork to deceive your opponent

    2. Send your opponent reeling even when they strike first

    3. Counter your opponent’s kicks while appearing drunk

    4. Avoid your opponent's strikes with structured drunken behaviour

    5. Use your elbows to instantly end a fight

    6. Throw your opponent while in a drunken stupor

    7. Defeat your opponent whether they strike high or low

Who is Lu Don Bin?

Venerated as a Taoist God, Lu lived at the time of the Tang Dynasty (705-800AD), from Shanxi Province. Legend has it that he had tried to become a government official, but failed the qualification exams. He fell into a long sleep thereafter and woke up 18 years later only to find that all his family members had passed away. He remained a disappointed man for most of his life. However, at old age he met Han Zhong Li (another member of the Eight Immortals), who introduced him to the way of the Tao.

Finally finding the meaning of life, Lu took to Taoism greatly and founded a Taoist sect. This became the biggest de-facto Taoist sect in China, and he therefore is also known as Lu Zu (Lu, The Ancestor of Tao). Despite his stature, he remained close to the people and traveled far and wide around China to perform Taoist blessings and exorcisms.

Today, Lu is the most well known and loved of the Eight Immortals, and is the leader of the group. The Chinese commemorate him on his birthday, the 14th day of the fourth lunar month and pay homage to him as the patron deity of barbers and hair dressers.

In pictures, Lu Don Bin is presented as a youthful scholarly man. He carried with him a Hu Lao, a wine gourd and wears a Taoist Hat. He carries with him a mystical dragon sword that grants him the power of invisibility and allows him to dispel evil.

Benefits of our eBook

    • Informative and packed with diagrams:-
      You will find set out in our Lu Don Bin eBook the complete traditional Lu Don Bin Form, packed with over 67 carefully created diagrams to show you the entire form in addition to the many illustrations in the main body of the eBook.

    • Easy to understand instructions:-
      Our eBooks contain detailed instructions written by our expert editors in a friendly, easy to read style. All text is in English.

    • Multiple camera angles:-
      Multiple angles of the technique are covered in the diagrams where applicable so that you can see the technique from all perspectives.

    • Compatible with Windows PC, Mac OS, iPhone, iPad and Android phone / tablets:-
      We provide two formats of our eBook for each customer: an HTML version and a PDF version. The HTML version is compatible with Windows PC, Apple Mac, iPhone, iPad as well as Android phone / tablets. The PDF version can be accessed from any device running Adobe Reader.

    • Printer friendly:-
      The PDF version of the eBook can be printed from any printer.

    • Prompt customer service:-
      We are an established business, and your inquiry will be answered within the same day. Please simply send your email to sales@ikungfu.netThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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