Shaolin Kung Fu
Lesser Hung Form eBook

The complementary set to the Greater Hung Form



Beginner-level form, also known as Xiao Hong Quan
Illustrated techniques, drills and applications
eBook written in English
Packed with colored diagrams
24 hour customer support
Instant download - No waiting periods

What you'd find in our eBook

Together with the Greater Hung Form, the Lesser Hung Form is one of the introductory forms of the Shaolin School. The emphasis of the form is on tight, quick successive movements, and the form anticipates attacks in all directions. The techniques are noticeably more intricate than the Greater Hung Form.

The Greater Hung Form has wide sweeping movements and focuses on mid to long range fighting, whereas the Lesser Hung Form focuses on short range techniques. The two forms are ideal in introducing the beginning practitioner to the techniques of Shaolin fighting.

Our eBook shows the complete form as well as drills, techniques and applications associated with the form.

Benefits of our eBook

    • Informative and packed with diagrams:-
      The illustrations for the form itself comprise of over 67 carefully created color diagrams in addition to the many illustrations in the main body of the eBook.

    • Easy to understand instructions:-
      Our eBooks contain detailed instructions written by our expert editors in a friendly, easy to read style. All text is in English.

    • Multiple camera angles:-
      Multiple angles of the technique are covered in the diagrams where applicable so that you can see the technique from all perspectives.

    • Compatible with Windows PC, Mac OS, iPhone, iPad and Android phone / tablets:-
      We provide two formats of our eBook for each customer: an HTML version and a PDF version. The HTML version is compatible with Windows PC, Apple Mac, iPhone, iPad as well as Android phone / tablets. The PDF version can be accessed from any device running Adobe Reader.

    • Printer friendly:-
      The PDF version of the eBook can be printed from any printer.

    • Prompt customer service:-
      We are an established business, and your inquiry will be answered within the same day. Please simply send your email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Payment and Download Instructions:

    • Click on the "BUY NOW" icon above.

    • After payment is processed, click "Continue" on the Payment Completion page to download your eBook immediately.

    • We accept all major credit cards and Paypal.

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